Registration For which activity are you looking for a solution?Please choose from the categories below and then press the "Next" button. TRADEretail/large trade, webshop SALES & MARKETINGdirect sales, agent network, advertising agency, etc. EVENT ORGANISATIONconstruction companies, landlords, mobile vendors, organisers, etc. CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRYhorticulture, archaeology, air conditioning, solar power, etc. SERVICESconsultancy, law firm, trustfund etc. RENTAL, LEASINGfleet management - car rental, caravan rental, apartment rental, car hire, etc. OTHERactivities that cannot be classified into the above categories Are you considering a private or shared cloud? Would you be using the service for a single company or a group of companies?The private cloud is a dedicated solution tailored to your company or group of companies. It provides a high degree of flexibility when implementing unique requirements.In a shared cloud, the realization of unique needs may encounter limitations. Shared cloudone company Shared cloudgroup of companies Private cloudone company Private cloudgroup of companies None Enter the verification code in the box below Please provide the following information.We need your contact details to set up your account and to get in touch with you, where we can send your login information.By providing the information and clicking the Register button, you acknowledge the terms outlined in the Privacy Policy Notice. Company Full name Email address Telephone number Time's up